Wilmslow Half

PCS Take On Wilmslow Half Marathon In Aid Of The Matthew Nicholls Trust

  • 23.01.2018
  • Company News

As a team of four from Plastic Card Services, Adam, Jayce, Shaun and Tony will be participating in the Wilmslow Half Marathon on Sunday the 18th March 2018 (due to snow this has been rescheduled for Sunday 24 June 2018) in aid of The Matthew Nicholls Trust.

The Matthew Nicholls Trust has been set up by Matt’s parents, Rachel and Rob. Rob is the ex MD of Plastic Card Services, as well as a friend of ours, and most people at PCS knew Matt from his time working in Production during school holidays. In July 2017 Matt, aged 24, completely unexpectedly took his own life. Rob has always talked proudly about his natural music and song-writing skills. He was living and working in London and sharing his talent and love of music through musical performance. Matt had so much more to give and therefore The Matthew Nicholls Trust has been set up to enable young people to develop their musical skills in Matt’s name.

A message from Rachel and Rob; “Matthew was a talented musician. When he was young he took all opportunities given to him to develop his skills and confidence to share his talent. We believe that all young people, no matter what their background, should have the opportunity to access playing a musical instrument for self-development and for the pleasure of the wider community. We have set up this trust to provide opportunities and financial support for young people to develop musical skills, especially those with financial and social barriers. We will be working in collaboration with local services to ensure that young people with life challenges and musical potential benefit from the money raised.”

By making a donation https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/pcsrun you will be giving Adam, Jayce, Shaun and Tony the motivation and encouragement to train hard over the next few months to achieve this half marathon in March 2018. You will also be supporting Rachel and Rob keep Matt’s name to live on through helping others. Thank you in advance for your support!