paul hansford

Paul Hansford – Q & A

  • 17.05.2012
  • Company News

PCS’s very own Paul Hansford recently appeared in Print Week’s regular Q&A section. Here is a transcript of the feature:

Name: Paul Hansford

Job Title: National Account Manager

Paul celebrated 13 years at PCS in March this year and will also turn 40 in 2012. He lives in Alderley Edge with his wife Victoria and 10 week old daughter Emily

Why did you get into printing?
I moved to Cheshire from Oxford and joined PCS as a junior sales person. That was my first knowledge of print and I haven’t looked back since. I have been at PCS now for 13 years

What would be your dream job?
Probably kit man at Manchester United (but I wouldn’t fancy doing the washing)

Who would play you in a movie about your life?
I’ve been told I look a bit like David Duchovny so perhaps him?

What is your dream bit of kit?
An HP Indigo 5600 press would be nice but personally I’d really like a fully restored E-type Jag

What would you most like to print?
Would it be wrong to say money?!

What is your favourite film?
The Passenger with Jack Nicholson.

What is your favourite TV programme?
I’m a big fan of Coronation Street (but don’t tell anyone).

Who or what do you hate the most?
Bad manners

Who do you admire most in the industry?
My directors here at PCS for making this business what it is today. We’ve come a long way since I first started here in 1999.

What is your favourite song?
Simple Twist of Fate by Bob Dylan

What is your greatest luxury in life
Since becoming a father in January this year, I would say a good night’s sleep!

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?
My wife Victoria and my 10 week old daughter Emily

What is your greatest ambition?
To be a good husband and father

What’s your greatest fear?
Not having enough time

Who or what makes you laugh?
The comedien Comedian Micky Flanagan.

Where would you like to be right now?
South of France

What’s your worst fashion disaster?
I once had a black fur coat in my Uni days. I think I still have it somewhere. It makes me cringe to think about it now

Life is…?
Precious so you really have to make the most of every day

This article first appeared In Print Week, published 20th April 2012.