Implementing a key card entry system

  • 17.04.2013
  • Articles

Security is key no matter where you live or what business you run, and in an increasingly competitive marketplace it becomes even more crucial to ensure that you have a good, secure entry system for your company. Although key fobs can be a great idea, another popular way of ensuring secure entry is through a key card entry system, and for both ease of use and simplicity it’s one that many businesses and individuals are now starting to use.

Key card entry systems generally involve each individual being issued with a card which they swipe when they want to enter a certain part of a building. Key card entry systems don’t just have to be for the front door – they can be used to control restricted areas where only certain personnel are allowed, to help promote the safety and security of all employees.

How can a key card entry system help to improve security?

If you are looking to improve security in a hotel, home or any other building then key card entry systems are a great way of ensuring that only the right person is in the right area at that time. Key cards have the ability to be individually encoded, so you can dictate the access rights of each individual person, and you can easily “lock a person out” if they happen to lose their card or if they leave the company. This is a far more practical approach than having to change the lock each time.

What are some benefits of a key card entry system?

If you do decide to implement a key card system then you may find that it brings about a number of different benefits. Some of these include:

  • Being able to determine the security settings for each individual
  • Not having to deal with keys and a frequent changing of locks
  • Easily programmable – for hotels you can program for the length of stay
  • Handy and lightweight appearance can easily fit into your wallet
  • Ability to display marketing messages such as advertising slogans and branding on the key cards.