Should I consider implementing key cards in my hotel?

  • 17.04.2013
  • Articles

Security is a very important consideration in any hotel environment and the safety and security of your employees is crucial when you do run an establishment of this type. When travellers leave valuable items in their hotel rooms they want to have the knowledge that these items won’t be stolen or removed for the duration of their stay, so it’s up to you to make sure that your security system is up to scratch with the latest technology to help you out.

One popular option for many businesses who are looking to highlight this is the implementation of key cards – and this is one very effective way of ensuring access is only available to people who are actually staying in those rooms for a given period of time. Easily programmable and easy to lock out, this is a flexible, safe and secure system now adopted by many major hotels.

What are the benefits of key cards in this environment?

Key cards can bring a wide number of benefits to any company who chooses to install them. Some common benefits that they can bring to a hotel include:

  • Improved safety and security for patrons
  • The ability to program cards for the exact length of stay
  • The ability to lock out cards which may be lost/stolen without having to change the locks
  • Easy for patrons to store them in their wallet or bag
  • An easy way for staff to track which rooms are in use.

How are key cards from a security perspective?

From a security perspective key cards can be incredibly useful and they are a great way to ensure that the security of your rooms is maintained at all times. They are easily programmable to meet the needs of each hotel and they can be monitored from a main computer, giving staff access to hotel room information around the clock.

If the cards are lost then they can be easily replaced at no personal security risk to the individuals – and without the often costly need to have the locks changed as a result of this.