Plastic business cards vs paper business cards

  • 17.04.2013
  • Articles

When you are looking at new business card options chances are that you are looking for the most cost-effective approach to giving your business a professional image. With so many different business cards options around it can be somewhat difficult to know where to start, but chances are you will end up having to make a decision between a slightly cheaper paper business card and a slightly more robust plastic business card.

While both can have their pros and cons, if you are looking to give this very professional image to your business then it’s crucial that you ensure that your business cards follow suit and in this case it can often be worth outlaying that little bit extra to ensure that you leave a strong, lasting memory with your clients.

What are the benefits of plastic business cards?

Plastic business cards can offer a wide range of benefits to anyone who may choose to work with them and these benefits range from the robust approach that they offer right through to the flexibility that they can present when it comes to printing.

If you are looking to really tailor a card to your own then you can choose from a range of features including embossing, barcoding and even placing a chip inside your plastic card to give you the full functionality that you are looking for. You can also benefit from a flexibility which gives you the opportunity to really tailor the card to meet your needs by using a range of designs, colours and styles to suit you and your business.

What are the disadvantages of paper business cards?

There are a number of disadvantages of using a paper cards in preference to a plastic business card but the main one is to do with the structure and quality of a paper card. In general, paper cards are low quality and can be damaged quite easily whether it’s by liquids, the elements, or simply just by being put into your pocket and this means they can quickly become discarded and unused.

In contrast, a plastic card is far more robust and doesn’t break as easily, this means that once you have given out a plastic card it will generally stay with your client for longer, and is less likely to become damaged.