Do many major retailers use store cards?

  • 17.04.2013
  • Articles

Have you ever found yourself purchasing an item at a shop register only to be offered a store loyalty card or rewards scheme? Store cards are quickly becoming a popular way for many major retailers to draw in customers and ensure that they continue to spend within their store by offering them effective rewards schemes and a way to accumulate rewards points which they can exchange for cash back and gifts further down the line. In turn, this often encourages clients to repeat spend as a way of continuing to accumulate points and therefore cash back and rewards.

Whenever you enter a major retailer such as a supermarket chain or clothing store you will usually be greeted with the option to sign up for a store card (they are usually free) and in turn this will allow you to immediately access any of the benefits that they have to offer.

What is a store card?

A store card is basically a membership card that you can obtain for a retail outlet – usually one that a person shops at significantly, or one that they spend a great deal of money at. Store cards are a great way to really promote a brand and get your brand put out there – but in addition they are also a great way to encourage clients to become repeat shoppers by offering them rewards programs and incentives throughout.

Store cards usually operate throughout a loyalty scheme and they can offer rewards, discounts and cash back incentives to owners as a way to attract them to continue purchasing products from a certain store. The cards can also be used to run members-only promotions which encourages shoppers to sign up to the cards so that they can take advantage of these benefits.

What are the benefits of store cards?

Store cards can bring about a whole host of benefits to your business and these include:

  • Increased customer retention through a store card scheme
  • The ability to capture customer information and focus your target markets
  • The ability to offer members-only promotions
  • The ability to offer cash back incentives and deals.