Keeping your information safe with key fob cards

  • 04.06.2013
  • Articles

The use of plastic key fob cards has seen an enormous increase in popularity, especially for organisations who want their customers to keep a membership card or loyalty card with them at all times. Rather than a traditional membership card that would rest in your wallet or purse, a key fob card is a scaled down version of this and it fits neatly onto your keychain, giving you a simpler and safer way of protecting your information.

Another reason as to why companies have started to use key fob cards is because not only do they want their customers to have them at all times, but they are a great way of advertising their products as they will be constantly in use so other people will notice and become interested in them.

What are key fob cards?

Key fob cards are essentially smaller versions of a traditional plastic card which can be easily attached to your key ring and carried around without the additional disadvantage of having to carry a much larger card around with you. They hold all the same information but on a smaller scale object as the functionality isn’t affected because they are still able to show a bar code and they can often be used for gym or health club memberships – situations where you may only have your key chain on you and may not even think to take your wallet with you. These in turn can help to avoid the frustration of a membership card which may have been left behind.

Why would I choose key fobs over normal sized ID cards?

The main advantage of using a plastic key fob card is that most people keep their keys with them for the majority of the day, so they are in an easily accessible place. For example, if an employee has driven to work and needs to show his or her ID card on arrival, they will probably still have their car keys in their hand and therefore simply need to present the attached card, rather than locating their purse or wallet.

Furthermore, key fobs can have all of the high security measures of regular sized ID cards: barcodes, signature panels, security chips, and thermal personalisation, to name a few.