What are the benefits of blank plastic cards?

  • 07.04.2014
  • Articles

Whether you work as part of a major corporation or you are an individual looking to make a name for yourself, then implementing the use of plastic cards can prove to be a great tactic that can help bring you the results you desire. Plastic cards can be used for a number of purposes, from business cards and membership cards, to library and identification options. Many of these cards can be bought pre-designed with a consistent theme throughout, but if you really want to impress then blank plastic cards may be the option for you.

One of the biggest benefits that choosing a blank plastic card could provide you with is that there is a lot of opportunity for personalisation. A lot of companies prefer to add their own information to the shell of the card because that way they can alter each card to whatever specifications they desire, so if for instance they have a select amount of employees working for them or specialist clients, they can add their own design which is specific to the individual.

Some benefits which occur from choosing blank plastic cards include:

Personalisation – having the ability to personalise yourself can be a very useful method of making yourself distinguishable, so by having a blank plastic card you are essential giving yourself a blank canvas to project your ideas onto. This means that you have the power to choose a colour scheme and the information you want to share, and most of all you can tailor them to meet specific needs of each client

Artwork ­– the benefit of choosing a blank plastic card is that you can pretty much add whatever you like to alter its appearance, with one option being to add your own artwork. This could be a unique image of your company logo, something detailing your services, or if you are creative then perhaps even your own work

Barcoding – the options are pretty much endless, but one useful addition that you may want to consider is barcoding. This can be used to help store information which can then be accessed by a barcode reader, so if you have a number of clients you can easily access the information.

What scenarios could a plastic card be used?

There are a number of situations which a barcode can be used as part of a plastic card, with some common examples including:

  • Library cards
  • Membership cards
  • Student cards
  • Employee identification cards
  • Loyalty cards.