What are the benefits of a frosted plastic card?

  • 22.07.2014
  • Articles

With so many variations of plastic card available it can become quite difficult to choose a style which is best suited to you, but if you are looking to make a good first impression then you may be interested in the benefits that a frosted card introduces. One of the most difficult tasks in business it to try and differentiate yourself from your rivals and setting the tone early on can make all the difference, with frosted plastic business cards being one of the most effective methods.

Unlike traditional business cards, frosted plastic cards can help introduce that extra touch of flair that can truly help distinguish your company. Choosing a plastic card can provide your business with a number of benefits, especially when it comes to ensuring you leave the right impression on your clients, with some common examples including:

  • Frosting is a specialist method used on business cards and helps to give them a more professional, which will then be replicated throughout the business
  • Innovation means that your potential clients may be curious about the design of your cards and they are more likely to read the information on the card
  • A lightweight coating which is waterproof and helps marks and smudges to be easily removed
  • A firm, flexible design which is robust and incredibly sturdy
  • Having an innovative card design will make it appear to look ‘special’ and will leave your clients less inclined to throw them away.

What type of impression can this make on your clients?

When it comes to impressing your clients, having a high-quality frosted business card can be a great way to start. You have to understand that your clients are used to seeing the same things by rival companies day-in day-out, so by offering them something different and unique it can go a long way to impressing them. Having a frosted card will make you stand out from traditional business cards, as they can be used to create an illusion, display creativity and so on.