Double sided business cards

  • 07.05.2015
  • Articles

Double sided business cards allow you to make the most of the limited space you have available. Business cards are a great way to quickly and easily share your details and business with others, whether they’re contacts from other businesses or potential customers. They should reflect the business you represent and the link should be obvious but due to the size of a business card, you may face missing out on some important details.

Instead of having a business card with the same design and details on both sides, one side could be used to include the details that could be of value and this makes full use of the space you have. This doesn’t have to be at the cost of images and branding and our team can help come up with the best solution for your needs.

Plastic business cards will also help you stand out from other people who use the more common card options. Plastic cards are harder to break and lose and will often standout because of their quality compared to paper options. This is something to consider seriously if you want to be remembered above your competitors.

To find out more if double sided business cards are a valuable investment for you needs, contact our team at Plastic Card Services today and we’ll answer any questions you have.