Are Hotel Key Cards Secure?

  • 04.02.2014
  • Articles

There will always be questions over how secure a piece of technology really is. Hotel key cards can be found in many businesses around the world as they start to replace traditional keys. This is because they offer great security, are great value, easy to replace and still of a high quality. This makes it easier for your guests to have a more relaxing and enjoyable stay while making sure their room and belongings are secure at all times.

The importance of security

You could be half way around the country or not far from home but losing your belongings is not a nice feeling and can ruin any stay or visit so security is essential. You don’t want to think that you are going to be the victim of theft and making sure the room is secured with a strong locking system requiring a specific key card can go a long way to making you feel safe.

Some hotels can produce cards for locks on demand, which is for convenience but these are recorded so there if something happens with a staff member, it can be recorded and other security measures keep track of these systems too for extra peace of mind. No effort is spared to make sure you are safe and enjoy your stay.

This goes for secure parking as well, making sure that your vehicle is safe at all times while you are at the hotel and plastic key cards represent a great way of restricting access to any area where personal items are present.

Excellent service and quality

This all adds up to providing excellent service throughout the visit to the hotel. Keeping your room and belongings secure, whether you are in the room or not is important, as is the attitude of staff that deal with guests and the quality of key cards to make sure they are not faulty, work in other rooms and don’t break easily. Choosing the right key cards will help make sure gusts want to return to your establishment again and again.