How can I optimise my business security through the use of key cards?

  • 10.07.2013
  • Articles

Whether you have a business that uses small or large facilities, you will need a safe and secure method of ensuring that it is protected and one of the best ways of achieving this is through the use of key cards. With a key card system you are automatically given more control over security than you would just by simply handing out a key; you will be given the power to grant access to cardholders or decline it, as well as other useful features like tracking attendance and location.

One of the biggest advantages of implementing a security card system into your business is the amount of personalisation that you can have. You will doubtlessly have varying levels of staff in your business, from directors and managers, to team members, so they will have certain responsibilities and knowledge – this can be safeguarded by a key card system. This is a safety net if you like, because if a ‘low level’ employee misplaced their card then any would-be fraudster wouldn’t have access to the more important parts of your business.

If you suspect that a card may be fraudulent or that a member of your staff has misplaced theirs, then you will have the power to invalidate them and prevent access to the premises. Unlike a traditional door key which can pose a security risk whenever it is lost, a key card provides a much safer alternative as they each have their own unique ID number. This means that it can be individually granted access to a specific room if you approve, giving you greater control over security.

By incorporating a security key card system into your business, you are helping to optimise your security and reducing the risk of a breach, while discouraging potential criminals. Simple, secure and value for money, the card system is designed to meet the challenging and diverse needs of a business in the modern age. The design enables you to have more power and control over your operations and allows you to identify potential risks and nullify them in a quick response time.