• 01.12.2016
  • Case Studies

Leading UK card manufacturer Plastic Card Services (PCS) and its Scandinavian Sales Agent LogoCard has secured a new international contract to produce over 21,000 e-Passport shields for Danish insurance and banking company Alm. Brand.

These e-Passport shields feature the Alm. Brand logo and colours and utilise patented shielding technology from patent holder Voyager Blue (VB) to prevent the skimming of information from passports by simply slipping the card inside the e-Passport.

As well as manufacturing the shield cards, PCS will be sending out personalised mailings to Alm. Brand customers who have taken out travel insurance in batches of around 3,000 per time. These mailing packs will be printed and collated at PCS’s manufacturing facility in Cheshire and mailed directly to customer’s home addresses in Denmark through a specialist postage provider.

“At Alm. Brand we pride ourselves on taking good care of what matters most. We ensure our customers always feel secure – and that includes when they are travelling. On this basis we are extremely happy with our collaboration with PCS, they are providing security for our customers as well as a unique opportunity for us to offer our customers an added benefit for their journey” says Pia Holm Steffensent, Assistant General Manager at Alm. Brand.

Adam Unsworth, Sales Director at PCS commented. “The export market is a growing area for us, and this new contract comes at a great time for the customer as the value of the Krone against the Pound is currently so strong.”

Mette Christian Jacobsen from LogoCard added “The use of this specially patented technology to protect e-Passports has provided Alm. Brand with the opportunity to provide an added benefit and extra protection for its customers, whilst the design flexibility offered by these shielding cards means their brand will be in front of customers time and time again.”

These easy to use e-Passport shields are simply placed inside a passport and the patented shielding technology blocks the signals RFID readers use to access data on biometric passports, keeping the users details safe and secure. This technology can also be utilised in any plastic card that does not contain chip/magnetic data and/or as a standalone product, therefore making it an essential and useful marketing tool.

As an added benefit to the Alm. Brand customers, the patent holder VB are offering recipients of these packs an exclusive discount should they wish to purchase additional e-Passport shields to protect other members of their family.