Shaun Hinchy

Q&A with Production Manager, Shaun Hinchy

  • 11.06.2019
  • Company News

Shaun Hinchy, our Production Manager, sat down with PrintWeek Magazine to discuss and reflect on his time in the job. See the transcript from this conversation below.

What is your nickname?

Why did you get into printing?
I was a production manager at a TV shopping channel when the opportunity arose to help grow a small but thriving company.

What would be your dream job?
Professional athlete, but at my age that chance has slipped by, I think.

What is your dream bit of kit?
Top of the range Koenig & Bauer printing press.

What would you most like to print?
Man City FC season tickets.

What is your favourite film?
A Few Good Men.

What is your favourite TV show?
Game of Thrones (Ending was slightly disappointing…).Sweet or savoury? Savoury. Who doesn’t love a good cheese and onion pie?

Who or what do you hate the most?
Can’t say, they may read it! Otherwise, mechanical breakdowns.

What is your favourite saying?
‘You can’t handle the truth!’ Very few can.

What is your favourite album?
Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino by Arctic Monkeys.

What is your favourite book?
First Man In by Ant Middleton.

Cat or dog, or…?
Dog all day, every day.

What is your greatest luxury in life?
MCFC season ticket, after 40 years of following dross week in week out.

What is the strangest job you’ve had?
Manufacturing cosmetics. I went home a different shade for 15 years.

What is your greatest ambition?
To complete an Ironman [triathlon].

What’s your greatest fear?
Not finishing an Ironman or Liverpool winning the Premier League.

Who or what makes you laugh?
People who can laugh at themselves or people falling.

Most embarrassing moment?
Using my camera in the Sistine Chapel. A definite no-no.

Where would you like to be now?
Goa, again.

What’s your worst fashion disaster?
Cream jacket away at Huddersfield in January 1983. I fell over at the game and got trampled on, not a good look.

Who would be your favourite party guests?
Pep Guardiola, professor Stephen Hawking, professor Brian Cox.

Where would you go if you could time-travel?
Egypt, around 2000 BC.

What is the worst kind of print?
Black, gloss cards.

What advice would you give to your teenage self?
Work harder at school and have more ambition. Have confidence in yourself, don’t take yourself too seriously.

Life is…?
A rollercoaster, enjoy the ups AND the downs, they make you who you are.

If you would like to read the original article click here