stena line blue card

PCS gets on board with world’s leading ferry operator

  • 25.03.2011
  • Case Studies

Commercial card manufacturer, Plastic Card Services (PCS), has supplied Stena Line with 60,000 ‘green’ loyalty cards as part of a re-launch of the ferry service’s loyalty programme.

The Stena Line eXtra Loyalty Programme offers members valuable savings and exclusive offers. The revised scheme will now feature a more eco-friendly alternative to its standard loyalty card – thanks to PCS.

The eXtra loyalty cards are made from biodegradable materials and are manufactured using environmentally responsible print processes. The bioPVC cards biodegrade within a few months once in landfill as opposed to the standard 300-1000 years for conventional plastic cards.

Stena Line provides ferry services on 16 routes through Scandinavia, the Irish Sea, and the North Sea and has a ten-year relationship with PCS.

Heather Gawley, Marketing Manager at Stena Line said that the switch to green was made simple for them.

“PCS offered us a biodegradable alternative without compromising quality, durability and value at a time when we were looking closely at improving environmental performance across the Company.”

Rob Nicholls, PCS Managing Director, said: “We are delighted that Stena Line has made the move. It’s part of our commitment to converting 50% of our business to the green card in the next five years. Their example – as a world-leading player in their field – will give us a great platform to convert others.”

Over 9000 eXtra loyalty card holders have already received the new cards and Stena Line has ambitious plans to expand membership in the next two years.