The Business Card: Making a good first impression

  • 17.04.2013
  • Articles

First impressions last – and this is perhaps one of the most important things that you will ever learn in business, but more than that it’s important to know that after you have made this impression you are able to leave your prospective clients with something that really sticks in their mind, and something that will make it easy for them to remember you when they come to requiring your skills.

Although the way that you are presented and what you say about your company means a lot, after this conversation has taken place almost 80% of it will be instantly forgotten. Take into account that a prospective client might be meeting with a number of companies – and you will quickly see the need to stand out from the crowd. That’s why your business card is crucial.

What do you need to include on your business card?

If you are going to leave your clients with the right impression then you need to make sure that your business card looks incredibly professional and one of the key ways of doing this is by ensuring that you have the right information displayed on it in a concise and clear manner. Your name, business and telephone number are perhaps the most crucial elements of a business card. In addition you may want to include an email address or perhaps a social media contact if your business is heavily dependent on Facebook, Twitter or any other form of social networking.

How crucial is your business card?

Business cards are often a standard addition to any professional outfit, but you will often find it hard to believe exactly how many businesses don’t actually have a professional business card. Business cards can provide you with one of the main ways of reminding prospective clients of exactly who you are – and this is your time to shine. The design, shape and style of your business card is one thing that really sets your business apart from the crowd and no matter how good your sales spiel is, this is what your potential clients will be left with, long after you have finished.