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Weathering the storm of Brexit with the BBC

  • 27.07.2016
  • Company News

Macclesfield based Plastic Card Services were delighted to represent the UK print industry through both national radio and television broadcasts with the BBC which took place from its purpose built manufacturing facility in Cheshire.

Originally approached by BBC Radio FiveLive to discuss the impact Brexit has had in the workplace amongst colleagues and friends, BBC’s Adam Parsons interviewed Managing Director Rob Nicholls and various employees live on air throughout the morning on Thursday 21 July on how they felt the outcome of Brexit had impacted the workplace.

The overwhelming response was what you would probably expect to hear in that the morning after the crucial vote there was a somewhat awkward and strange atmosphere throughout the workplace, with some people finding it a little ‘frosty’. However, it wasn’t long before this passed and everyone continued to work alongside each other as normal, after all as they say ‘the show must go on’ or in this case the cards need to be printed!

After the success of the Radio FiveLive broadcast, the BBC arrived back bright and early on Monday 25 July complete with camera crew and presenter Colletta Smith, to set up and broadcast live from the factory floor to the nations most viewed Breakfast show, BBC Breakfast and its 7 million viewers. This time although the conversation remained on the hot topic of Brexit, this had a definite business focus, featuring interviews with Plastic Card Services Managing Director Rob Nicholls, and outside guests CEO of Private White VC James Eden and Economist Gemma Godfrey.

Rob Nicholls offered up his views on how the value of the pound has impacted export and imports and the advance steps he chose to put in place to prevent any major impact on the business. Coupled with this was the fantastic opportunity to showcase the companies printing prowess with a show around the various stages of card print and production.

Plastic Card Services has over 50 employees working from its purpose-built manufacturing plant at Tytherington and works with clients across multiple markets in the UK, Europe and Worldwide.