What is plastic card embossing?

  • 17.04.2013
  • Articles

If you are looking to give a personalised or rather unique approach to your plastic cards then embossing is one technique which can be used right across the board. Using innovative technology to make a lasting imprint on your plastic cards, this type of technology can help to give a very unique approach to each card and can provide a perfect opportunity for anyone who is looking to create personalised cards for their business.

The process of embossing involves the use of different machinery and it’s often a process that can’t be easily reversed – this means that if you are looking to take on board this approach it’s important that you have the right information at hand, any mistakes in this process can be costly and can lead to entire batches of cards needing to be re-created.

What are the benefits of plastic card embossing?

Plastic card embossing can prove to be a popular alternative to printing information on a card surface and can help to ensure that once information is put onto a card, it stays there. This can be particularly crucial in a number of industries where this information can be vital. On credit cards, for example, being able to read the numbers of your bank account, sort code and card number are essential – and in this situation, embossing this information can help to ensure that your card remains practical throughout its use.

In addition, if you are looking to label membership or loyalty cards – perhaps with a person’s name – this can be an ideal way to do this effectively and can help to ensure that this information stays easily recorded on the surface of the card.

How is a plastic card embossed?

Plastic card embossing is a relatively simple process, but it does involve the use of some high quality machinery and the majority of plastic card companies will work with industry standard equipment to give your plastic cards a high quality of embossing. This process will begin once you have decided upon a style and colour for your embossing. Although silver is often a popular choice, you may find that in some situations there are a range of other colours available.