Why key fob cards might benefit your business

  • 30.04.2014
  • Articles

Keeping your customers happy is one of the fundamental rules towards running a successful business and that means making their experience as simple as possible. One of the ways in which you can ensure this is through the use of plastic key fob cards. Their small design and durability has made them an increasingly popular choice for organisations who want their customers to keep a membership card or loyalty card with them at all times.

About a quarter of the size of a credit card and often slightly thinner, their unique design enables them withstand a number of strains which their larger counterparts may not. Sturdy and durable, plastic key fob cards can be easily stored in your pocket or handbags, while they feature a hole through which they can be connected to a key ring.

They are usually printed on both sides in full colour, and can store whatever information you deem necessary such as the logo of the company or a barcode. These cards were initially used as a promotional tool as their small size was seen as a gimmick, but many businesses have realised the benefits that they can introduce, with some common examples being:

  • The ability to attach them to a keychain
  • The small and lightweight feel and approach of them
  • Everything that you would come to expect in a membership card – but compact
  • The ability to carry it with you at all times without risking leaving it at home or taking it out of your wallet.

What are key fob cards?

Key fob cards are essentially smaller versions of a traditional plastic card and because of their dimensions they can be easily attached to your key ring and carried around in your pocket. This removes the difficulties you may face with a traditionally bulkier design of a large plastic card as you can access it with ease.

Key fob cards can provide the same functionality as a generic plastic card while they can also be modified to include a barcode or other similar features, for uses in gym or health clubs as a membership tool. These in turn can help to avoid the frustration of a membership card which may have been left behind.